A job placement program you can operate out of your church in collaboration with local businesses.


Create achievable goals that help you connect with and mobilize your church's business professionals.

Visualize your church's goals come to life as you begin to meet the economic needs in your community.

*Sign up for a no cost conversation today to speak with a Job One Strategist.

Let's start with goals

Your church's goals are something that help you as a leader to define what you want your congregation to address in your community.


What is your reality?

Your community's dreams and needs will inform the type of job services your church will want to provide in your neighborhood.

What are your options?

Your Job One Strategist will help you identify what job efforts and community partnerships are best for your church and community.

You + Us = Kingdom & Community Impact

Job One Benefits

With guidance from your Job One Strategist, we provide you and your church team with structural guidance to succeed in training and placing people into full-time work, no matter your congregation size.  Job One is a customizable ministry to recruit, train and place people into full-time jobs, so that families thrive.       


It's a powerful application of your people's gifts by providing your church members a way to serve residents with much needed economic stability.


Mobilize your church to improve your partnerships with local buisnesses and community organizations to make a caring impression from your very first effort.


It's a practical means of proclaiming the gospel.  Learn that by meeting the economic needs of your community, you can overcome objections that keep many people from visiting your church.


Stop wasting time by trying to make it up as you go along. Job One is a proven program that will guide you and your church every step of the way.

Get Creative in Serving Your Community

The initiatives we help you implement consistently place jobs seekers 90% of the time with a 70% 6-month retention rate.  Learn from our Job One Strategists the many proven strategies that will help you reach your church's and community's economic goals.

Hiring Events

A Hiring Event is a tool for recruiting and placing people in jobs. At a set time and place, our business partners, churches, and job seekers meet and try to find out if they match. 

Success Training

Job One Success Training is our hands-on job preparedness course, led by local professionals, to ready job seekers to be placed into full-time work through one of our business partners.               


Mentor is a volunteer who serves as an experienced and trusted advisor to Job One Candidates seeking work.  They help further Candidate life skills and help them navigate some of the challenges they experience.

How it Works

Recruit Your Mobilization Team

Based on specific principles, your Job One strategist will help you identify ideal church members to implement your health efforts.

Host your Job One Effort

Each member of your mobilization team will be assigned a specific task, and together, coordinate a job effort providing job services for up to dozens of families in your neighborhood.

Follow Up With Neighbors

Using relationships forged at both the professional and local church level, follow up with your new neighbors so you can continue to serve them and share the Good News.

Get started today and mobilize your church!

How much does it cost?

We do ask for donations.  Donating to Job One is a great way to help individuals who need a job right now but don't have access any other way.  It's also a great way to support local churches and organizations who are perfectly positioned to bring change to their community, but lack resources.  Here's a few more benefits to donating to Seed to Oaks.


Seed to Oaks is a registered 501c(3) 


We help socially-driven pastors and professionals connect and mobilize their resources through guided social initiatives. These initiatives are proven, strategic and straight forward to implement; designed as a sustainable means for community change that is real and measurable.


Job One Starter Kit - Manual Only: $250

Select either the Success Training or the Mentor Training manual. For your church to follow along and successfully learn to host a Success training or Mentor training. 


Job One Standard Kit: $2,500

For either Success Training or Mentor Training, a Job One Strategist will equip and show you how - step by step -  to successfully implement Job One.  Success Training readies your people to come alongside community members and help them get ready for employment. Mentor Training readies your people to walk alongside and coach community members once they gain employment. 


Job One Comprehensive Kit: $5,000

You will receive a digital manual and both Success Training and Mentor Training, along with up to 20 additional hours of consulting from our Job One Strategist to custom guide your church in a year of Job One initiatives for your church and community. 

What Churches and Business 

Professionals are Saying

"This was actually the first time we have done this type of [drive thru] hiring event. We had a lot of job seekers come out to meet with hiring managers and this worked very well with Job One."

- Amy Godby, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Allied Universal 

“This partnership with Job One and Seed to Oaks has put much needed wind in my sails as a pastor amidst a difficult year.  It truly is an encouragement for the entire church...Praying that you don’t grow weary in doing good!”

- Ben Birkholz, Outreach Pastor, Third Avenue Baptist Church

A Few of Our Favorite Stories

Hosting a Job Fair to Encourage the Church, Community and Beyond

Read in 2:30 minutes.  Be inspired by how one church looked to their congregation to compile a group of passionate volunteers dedicated to the success of putting their neighbors into jobs.

Second Chances and Three Job Offers: Smashing Employment Barriers

Read in 1:30 minutes.  Hard work is exactly what Roniesha Sanders put into the Job One process, securing not just one but THREE employment offers with local Job One business partners.

From Protecting Our Country to Protecting Our Industries: Veteran Finds His Sweet Spot!

Read in 2:00 minutes.  Mr. Compton, along with dozens others, was assisted by a church to create resumes, receive job leads and make connections to local business leaders. 

Job One Candidate WOWs Future Employer During Interview!

You can serve job candidates like Brittany Williams, who take training to heart and apply the advice of mentors to ultimately help them reach their full potential!

Be the economic engine that puts people to work, and helps families thrive.

©2020 Seed to Oaks. All rights reserved